privacy policy

Apprise Risk Solutions Pty Ltd ACN 638 815 997 (“Apprise” and “we” or “us”) is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information and sensitive information which it collects and holds.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to outline the kinds of information that Apprise may collect about you and how that information is held;

  • how Apprise collects and holds personal information;

  • the purposes for which Apprise collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information;

  • the way in which you can complain about a breach of your privacy; and

  • how you can access the personal information Apprise holds about you and seek to correct such information.

In general, we collect and store two types of information:

  • Personal information that you and other people associated with your organisation choose to enter into our systems. This includes names, e-mail and IP addresses and certain financial and other information that is necessary to do business with you.

  • Non-personal information associated with your transactions with our systems. This includes website visitor and resiliency data, access date and times session identifier and activity and error logs.

    By becoming or remaining a client of Apprise or by providing your personal information to us, you consent (to the extent that we require your consent under privacy laws to do these things) to the Apprise collecting, using and disclosing your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

How we hold your information

We may store your information in hard copy or electronic format, in storage facilities that we own and operate ourselves, or that are owned and operated by our service providers. We take reasonable steps to maintain the security of your information and to protect it from unauthorised disclosures. There are many information security risks that we can’t manage and therefore your should take appropriate care to help safeguard your information.

How we use your information

We may use your information to :

● To provide products and services to you, to assist you with inquiries or purchases, or to provide you with better service.

● To administer and manage the products and services we provide to you, to charge and bill you for them, and to collect any amounts you may owe us.

● To gain an understanding of your needs, to perform research and analysis, and to improve or develop our products and services.

● To facilitate your employment with us including sharing your details with our external human resources and recruitment providers but only as necessary for your potential or actual employment.

● To provide anonymised examples of how our products and services work.

● To monitor system use, quality and performance, and to operate, maintain, develop, test and upgrade our systems.

Apprise will only use your personal information for the purpose for which it was collected by Apprise (primary purpose), unless:

  • there is another purpose (secondary purpose) and that secondary purpose is directly related to the primary purpose, and you would reasonably expect, or the Apprise has informed you, that your information will be used for that secondary purpose;

  • you have given your consent for your personal information to be used for a secondary purpose; or

  • Apprise is required or authorised by law to use your personal information for a secondary purpose.

Information we share

Apprise will confine its disclosure of your personal information to the primary purpose for which that information has been collected, or for a related secondary purpose. This includes when disclosure is necessary to help us manage, conduct and oversee the Apprise business, or for security reasons.

We may provide your personal information to:

  • third parties contracted to provide services to Apprise;

  • anyone authorised by you to receive your personal information (your consent may be express or implied);

  • anyone Apprise is required by law to disclose your personal information to.

Handling of email addresses

We do not and will not share, sell or otherwise intentionally disclose email addresses you enter or store in Apprise to anyone unless we receive your express written permission to do so.

Links to other sites

Apprise may provide links to third party websites. These linked sites may not be under our control and Apprise is not responsible for the content or privacy practices employed by those websites. Before disclosing your personal information on any other website, we recommend that you carefully read the terms and conditions of use and privacy statement of the relevant

Further information or to make a complaint

You have a right to access your personal information which the Apprise holds about you. If you make a request to access your personal information, we will ask you to verify your identity and specify the information you require.

You can also request an amendment to any of your personal information if you consider that it contains inaccurate information.

If you require any further information about our privacy policy or you wish to make a complaint, please contact us at

While Apprise aims to meet all requests for access to personal information, in a small number of cases and where necessary and permitted to do so by law, Apprise may not give access or may do so only under conditions.

Subject to applicable laws, Apprise may destroy records containing personal information when the record is no longer required by Apprise.